Atlantic Masters Tuesday nights swims just keep getting better and better.  Over 20 swimmers made their way over to Aughinish to experience what many of us now know as the START line for the Frances Thornton Galway Bay Swim.  Of course, it was no co-incidence that this swim was planned for the Tuesday before the Bay!!!  It was a typical windy and overcast evening but it was hot and humid with the water nearly tropical.  The local seal came out for a nose but bless him even he wasn’t able to keep up with Joanne Flanagan as she “tapered” her way back and forth across the beach.  The jellies were there in abundance too but at this point in the season everyone has sort of got used to them.  Its always about the tea and coffee and the chats afterwards, tips and advice being shared from previous bay swims, seeds being planted in heads “maybe next year”, envy and fomo of those not doing crossings this year due to injuries or other commitments but all in all another pleasant evening with friends doing what we all love.  Thanks to Keith and Gemma for Kayaking, George for the onshore safety and the former lady of the bakery for the tea and coffee out of the back of the car.   Best of luck to all swimmers taking part this Saturday. You are doing an amazing thing for an amazing charity and we will be with you every stroke of the way. Just keep swimming!!!!