Club Constitution

SECTION 1 – Name & Objectives of the Club

  1. Name and Image
  2. The name of the club shall be Atlantic Masters Swimming Club Galway
  3. The club logo and colours will be:
  4. The headquarters of the club shall be the Club Vitae Leisure Centre, Maldron Hotel, Oranmore, County Galway, Ireland.
  1. Objectives

The objectives of the club are:

  1. To foster and develop both open water (regardless of being in togs or wetsuits) and pool swimming.
  2. To recruit competent swimmers and allow them the opportunity to improve their speed, personal best distance/time and set/achieve annual goals.
  3. To be a recognised centre of excellence in swimming.
  4. To promote the development of physical, moral and social qualities associated with sport, within the participants
  5. To accept and enforce the rules and regulations set down by Swim Ireland regarding both open water and pool swimming in accordance with the affiliation status afforded to the club
  6. To provide a positive and safe environment for all its members and volunteers
  7. The club will not have members under the age of 18 without a change in the club constitution. However, some club events, at the discretion of the event organising committee, will be allow under-aged participation if they are members of another Swim Ireland Club.
  8. To provide equal opportunities whenever possible for successful participation, irrespective of ability or disability, so as individuals can be involved in sports activities in an integrated and inclusive way.

Atlantic Masters SC is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its members. Every individual in Atlantic Masters SC should, at all times, show respect and understanding for their rights, safety and welfare and those of others, and conduct themselves appropriately.

SECTION 2 – Affiliation & Membership

  1. Affiliation

By virtue of the affiliation of Atlantic Masters SC to Swim Ireland, its members acknowledge that they are subject to the laws, rules and constitutions of:

  1. Swim Ireland, the governing body for the island of Ireland.
  2. Ligue Europeenne de Natation (LEN), the European governing body for the aquatics.
  3. Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA), the world governing body for the aquatics.
  1. Membership
  • All members are subject to the rules and constitution of Atlantic Masters SC and rules and regulations of Swim Ireland, LEN and FINA.

Membership Categories

The following constitute as members of the Club:

  1. Competitor – members of Atlantic Masters SC who decide to engage in competitive open water and pool events. The Atlantic Masters SC must be noted as the only club for which they will compete in the open water and pool discipline.
  2. Non-Competitor – members of Atlantic Masters SC who decide to train in both open water and pool water as non-competitors such as coaches, administrators, aquatic leaders.

The Club Committee reserves the right to accept or reject applications for membership of the club. If they are refused, the applicant must be notified by the Club Committee in writing as to the reasons for their refusal.

  1. Application Procedure for Club Members
  • All competitive members must complete the necessary application forms and attach the necessary fees as set down by Swim Ireland and Atlantic Masters SC.
  • They must also be familiar with and comply with the Swim Ireland and Atlantic Masters SC Codes of Conduct.
  • These forms must then be forwarded to the Secretary for approval by the Club Committee.
  • Upon acceptance the member will then be provided with a copy of the Constitution and Rules of Atlantic Masters SC.
  • A member who wishes to resign as a member of the club must inform the secretary in writing. No refund of subscriptions monies will be paid upon resignation from the Club.
  • Full membership status is only valid where a subscription has been paid in full or in a manner agreed by the Club Committee.
  • Members will be required to renew their membership with Atlantic Masters SC and Swim Ireland on an annual basis to retain their membership.
  1. Annual Subscriptions
  • Club fees will be determined by the Club Committee subject to approval at the AGM.
  • If a member is deceased, their Legal Personal Representative is not liable for any balance of subscriptions.
  • A member may resign by communicating this in writing to the Secretary, and if this person wishes to renew membership at a later date they must re-apply as a new member.

SECTION 3 – Club Management & Duties

  1. Description

The Club Committee is the body elected by the Competitive Members for the management of the business and affairs of the Club. It consists of seven adults who must be members of Swim Ireland in their own right.

  1. Membership of the Club Committee

Membership of the Club Committee shall consist of the following: – A Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer and at least four other adult members.


  1. Officers of Atlantic Masters Swimming Club

Duties of the Chairperson

  1. To promote the interest of Atlantic Masters SC at all times and act as the official spokesperson for the club.
  2. To ensure the principles of due process and natural justice are applied in all decisions made by the Club Committee.
  3. To maintain order and prevent unnecessary disruptions.

Duties of the Treasurer

  1. To keep a record of all financial transactions concerning Atlantic Masters SC business.
  2. To keep appropriate books of record on Atlantic Masters SC business.
  3. To identify all income received and all expenditures.
  4. To act as a co-signature on cheques along with the Chairperson/Secretary.

Duties of the Secretary

  1. To record the minutes of all committee and club meetings.
  2. To keep records of membership, complaints and contracts regarding the dealings of the club. Records shall be kept for a minimum of 6 years.
  3. To set out meetings including agenda details, notice period and any other necessary information.
  4. To deal with all club correspondence.

Duties of the Head Coach

  1. The head Coach shall be accountable to the Club Committee and shall be entitled to attend any committee meeting.
  2. All coaches must be affiliated to Swim Ireland, and must possess the required qualifications.
  3. Coaches and teachers shall not hold a management or elected position on the Club Committee.
  4. All coaching details are the ultimate responsibility of the Head Coach. These duties are as follows:
  5. Training Content
  6. Training schedule
  • Team selection (relays)
  1. Appropriating competitive swimmers into respective groups according to their ability.
  2. To report to and act as a liaison to Swim Ireland HQ.

      Duties of the PRO Officer

  1. Work as part of a team along with the other Club officers and Committee members of Atlantic Masters SC.
  2. Promote Atlantic Masters SC to the local community and beyond using all available methods of communication.
  3. Make sure that Atlantic Masters SC is well presented.

      Duties of the Safety Officer/S

Open Water Swims

  1. Carry out a risk assessment of the swim location.
  2. Put in place an Emergency Action Plan for each swim location.
  3. Arrange safety boat, canoe cover as deemed necessary
  4. Arrange lifeguard cover as deemed necessary
  5. Carry out pre-swim safety/rescue briefing.
  6. Ensure swimmers are logged in and out of the water and that all swimmers are accounted for.
  7. Take charge of the overall rescue cover during the swim.
  8. Make a decision whether or not to run the swim on the day due to weather conditions, tide, swimmers abilities etc.

Pool Swims

  1. Safety in the pool will be supervised by the Head Coach

Duties of the Club Committee

  1. All Club Committee members are responsible for the smooth day to day running of the Club.
  2. The Club Committee shall be empowered to introduce rules, as the need arises, for the general regulation of the club. No rule shall be inconsistent with anything contained in this constitution.
  3. The Club Committee must ensure that there is a Club Rule Book in place which is made available to all members.
  4. The Club Committee has the power to appoint such sub committees as they deem necessary. These sub committees will act on behalf of the Club Committee and follow procedures and relay information as directed by the Club Committee. This will include the organising committee of any event ran under the umbrella of the Atlantic Masters SC.
  5. The Club Committee shall be responsible for all assets of the club.
  6. The members of the Club Committee and its Officers shall be indemnified by the members of the club against all liabilities properly incurred by them in the management affairs of the club.
  7. Club Committee members must declare any personal or business interest, which may conflict with their duties as a member of the committee. Such a declaration may be discussed with other committee members at a designated meeting, and they may be required to be absent during discussions and decisions.
  8. The Club Committee will be expected to follow codes of conduct in relation to their obligations to Atlantic Masters SC members. These include, but are not limited to, confidentiality, objectivity, loyalty, fairness and a constant awareness of their obligations to Atlantic Masters SC and its members.

SECTION 4 – Meetings

  1. Meetings of the Club Committee
  2. The Club Committee shall meet three times per year with a minimum quorum of 50% plus 1 of the members of the committee present.
  3. The Chairperson and the Secretary shall have discretion to call further meetings of the Committee if they consider it to be in the interests of the Atlantic Masters SC.
  4. A minimum of 7 days’ notice by shall be given to members save with exceptional circumstances. The Committee shall agree how notice shall be provided whether this is phone, e-mail and so forth.
  5. The committee should set out its agenda for a meeting no less than 5 days prior to the meetings.
  6. The Chairperson has the casting vote (in case of a tie) on any motion arising during the meetings.
  7. The Chairpersons decision on a Point of Order is final.
  8. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings.
  9. The Secretary, in his/her absence a member of the Committee, shall take minutes.
  10. The Treasurer shall relay the financial position of the club at each meeting.
  11. Club Committee members must also relay details on the areas of the club they are designated too.
  12. The Club Committee may also decide upon acceptable means of communication used, during periods between meetings, to ensure the day to day running of Atlantic Masters SC.
  13. Members can acquire the minutes of meetings in a summary format by providing the Secretary with a self-addressed envelope.
  1. Voting Rights at General Meetings
  2. All Competitor and Non-Competitor Members who are fully paid up are eligible to vote. No one holding a one day licence will be allowed to vote.
  3. No voting by proxy is allowed, however meetings may employ phone conference technology and those members calling in will count for quorum and have a vote.
  4. Voting shall be conducted by a show of hands which will be counted by the Secretary. The Club Committee may, however, recommend that a vote be held by secret ballot owing to the context of the vote.
  5. No business shall be transacted at a General Meeting unless a quorum is present. A quorum of 50% of the eligible voting members is the number required. If the quorum is not reached the General Meeting can be suspended for 1 week.
  6. Nominations will be passed at the AGM’s by simple resolution of 50% plus 1 present at the meeting.
  7. Motions for a change to the Atlantic Masters SC Constitution must be passed by a special resolution of 75% of members present at the meeting entitled to vote.
  8. The Chairperson will have a casting vote if there is an equality of votes.
  1. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  2. Members shall be notified of the AGM at least 21 days prior to the meeting. This notice shall be given in writing or e-mailed by the Secretary.
  3. The Club Committee must decide when the AGM is to be held each year.
  4. The Club Committee shall distribute to members its report and statement of accounts for the relevant financial year, not less than 14 days before the date fixed for holding the AGM.
  5. At the AGM the following reports will be presented which will consist of: Chairman’s Report, Secretary Report, Treasurer’s Report, Coaches Report and PRO Report.
  6. Any resolution to amend the Clubs Constitution which is successful at the General Meeting will come into immediate affect upon conclusion of the AGM.
  7. Any changes or updates to the Club Constitution will be notified to the club members and Swim Ireland within 10 days following the AGM.
  8. Two delegates for the club will be elected to represent the club at the Swim Ireland AGM.
  1. Election of the Club Committee and Officers
  2. Election of the Club Committee members, will take place at the Club AGM each year.
  3. At the AGM a Chairperson, Treasurer, and secretary along with four other members of the Management Committee shall be elected.
  4. A Committee member may stand for re-election for four consecutive years. After this time period is up, eligibility for re-election is revoked for a period of two years.
  5. Nominations for office and Notice of Motions must be received in writing by the Secretary no less than 14 days prior to the General Meeting.
  6. A proposer and seconder are required for all Nominations and Notice of Motions.
  7. Notices of Motion and Nominations for the management Committee shall be given not less than 7 days prior to the AGM. They will also be available on request from the Secretary.
  8. Notions and Motions without due notice will not be discussed.
  9. In the event that no Nominations are received by the Secretary only then may a nomination from the floor at the AGM take place.
  1. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
  2. An EGM may be called at any time once two thirds of the Club Committee resolve to convene such a meeting.
  3. An EGM may also be called within 21 days of the Secretary receiving a requisition in writing signed by two thirds of the voting members.

SECTION 5 – Transfers

  1. If a member wishes to leave a club and join another they must follow the rules set down by Swim Ireland.
  2. All members must have paid any outstanding subscriptions before they will be released by the Club save with exceptional circumstances.

SECTION 6 – Finance

  1. The financial affairs of the club shall be the responsibility of the Management Committee in general and in particular, the Treasurer. Correct accounts and book keeping shall be done by Treasurer or under his/her supervision.
  2. Annual Accounts of Atlantic Masters SC should be prepared for the Annual General Meeting by the Atlantic Masters SC Treasurer.
  3. The Management Committee shall be empowered to open Bank Accounts in the name of Atlantic Masters SC and all transactions in these accounts shall be authorized by the Management Committee. All cheques, drafts and so forth shall be signed by the Treasurer and either the Chairperson or Secretary.
  4. The Treasurer will receive all money paid to the Atlantic Masters SC and ensure all such sums are lodged to the Atlantic Masters SC bank account as soon as possible.
  5. Any assets invested in by the Management Committee will be used for the Atlantic Masters SC purposes only. The Management Committee will delegate the use of these assets under advisement from coaches, teachers and others within the Atlantic Masters SC.
  6. The Committee will have the power to negotiate sponsorships on Atlantic Masters SC behalf and engage from time to time fundraising activities. Any financial returns from these activities will be used for Atlantic Masters SC Development purposes only.

SECTION 7 – Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures

  1. Atlantic Masters SC will deal with complaints as laid out in Swim Ireland’s ‘Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures’, and shall adopt Swim Ireland procedures in this regard.

SECTION 8 – Cessation/Suspension/Expulsion of Membership

  1. Clubs have the power to terminate and suspend membership owing, but not limited to, violation of the constitution and/or rules, criminal behavior or any activity deemed unseemly by the Management Committee. All club terminations and suspensions will be reported to Swim Ireland, and can be also appealed to Swim Ireland.
  2. Suspension or termination of an individual’s membership to Swim Ireland can only be done by Swim Ireland’s board. These procedures are laid out in the ‘Articles of Association of Swim Ireland’.

SECTION 9 – Dissolution

  1. Atlantic Masters SC may be dissolved:
    1. By a Resolution passed owing to the inactivity of its members. This Resolution would be passed at an EGM, specifically called for that purpose and carried by three quarters of the members present.
    2. A Court Order where a dispute exists within its membership.
  2. Notice must be given to members and Swim Ireland for any Dissolution to come into effect, owing to a Resolution at a General Meeting
  3. All aspects of the Club, having discharged debts and liabilities, shall be distributed to a charity, charities or other non-profit making organization having an agenda similar to those of Atlantic masters SC or SI.
  4. The Management Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of assets and liabilities of Atlantic Masters SC.

SECTION 10 – Equality

  1. a) In accordance with the Equal Status Act 2000 – 2004 and the Equality Act 1996 in Northern Ireland, Atlantic Masters SC will not discriminate against any persons or visitors within Atlantic Masters SC.
  2. b) No discrimination of any kind against employed and voluntary staff, membership applications, members and individuals within the general public, will be tolerated.

SECTION 11 – Criminal Allegations

  1. Atlantic Masters SC shall treat allegations of criminal activity very seriously. Any allegation of a criminal offence will be reported to Swim Ireland and the appropriate policing body.

SECTION 12 – Data Protection

  1. Atlantic Masters SC shall aim to follow the necessary data protection guidelines set down by the relevant bodies.