Club Swim Coordinator / Safety Officer

The club swim director takes overall responsibility for the Tuesday night club swims and can be considered the chairperson of these events. The club swim coordinator may also act as  swim director. They are responsible for ensuring that Swim Directors are appointed for each swim. 

Swim Director 

The swim director is in charge of a particular event on a specific day. They are responsible for ensuring that the volunteering roster is sufficiently covered in order to run the event.
They have ultimate responsibility for deciding whether or not the conditions are suitable for the event and with advice from the other volunteers may decide to modify the course (because of new hazards, for example), delay the start, or even in exceptional circumstances cancel the event that day (very poor weather being the most common reason for this).

The swim director checks the weather forecast, course, and conditions on the day of the event. 

The swim director is responsible for ensuring that all equipment is delivered on time to the event. Equipment includes kayaks, paddles, spray decks, life jackets, VHF radios, binoculars first aid kit, sign in sheets, high viz jackets. 

Swim director briefs marshals and kayakers prior to entering the water and will ensure that the kayakers are using the correct VHF channel to communicate with the shore-based crew and that everyone using the VHF knows how to operate them. 

The swim director gives a swim safety briefing before swimmers enter the water,  explains the swim route and any hazards and explains what to do if a swimmer gets tired or distressed on the water. 

The swim director remains on shore for the duration of the swim. 

The swim director conducts a post swim briefing and reports any issues to Safety Officer for review.


The marshal volunteers help the Swim Director prepare for the event. This may include collecting and checking  equipment e.g. checking VHFs are charged, first aid kits are stocked etc. They are responsible for directing traffic and car parking.  They are also the eyes and ears of the Swim Director out on the course.
Marshals perform a crucial function; if there aren’t enough marshals then the event can’t go ahead. 

Marshals are on site 30 minutes before swim start. 

Marshals can swim. 

Shore Spotter / Lifeguard 

The shore spotter stays on shore and where possible walks parallel to the swim route or uses binoculars to observe swimmers in the water. Shore spotter uses VHF to communicate progress of swimmers with kayakers and swim director. 

Shore spotters are on site 15 minutes before swim start. 

Sweeper / Tail Swimmer

The sweeper is a friendly face or faces who provide support and encouragement to swimmers. The sweeper should stay right at the back of the swimming group and should be the last person to exit the water ensuring that everyone is accounted for. Tail swimmers may want to wear a wetsuit as they may be in the water for some time not swimming at their usual pace.


Kayakers (2 no required minimum) 

Kayakers should have experience or training* in swim safety events. Kayakers should have wetsuits or appropriate warm gear for on water activity. Club members are also encouraged to use their own kayaks to support swims. Swim director will brief kayakers on positions in the water. 

*Atlantic Masters will organise yearly training sessions for those interested in volunteering to kayak. 


RIB / Club boat

When appropriate the club rib will be used to support swims. All skippers to hold Power Boat Level 1 qualifications or equivalent and to adhere to the procedures outlined in the club boat usage policy. Minimum one crew member required to have eyes on swimmers at all times.