DO NOT SWIM Notices at Silver Strand and Salthill Beaches – Galway City Council Issues WARNING – Advice not to Swim at Grattan Road Beach
Wednesday 29th May – 6.30pm
As a result of routine bathing water testing earlier this week, high levels of Intestinal Enterococci bacteria have been detected at Silver Strand Beach, at Blackrock and Salthill beaches and at Grattan Road beach.
Galway City Council has posted “DO NOT SWIM” notices at Silver Strand, Blackrock and Salthill and a warning advisory at Grattan Road.
The levels of Enterococci bacteria at Silverstrand detected following testing on 26th May were 613/100ml which is very high while the levels at Blackrock and Salthill were 436/100ml. The levels at Grattan Road are lower but still warrant an advisory notice to warn swimmers.
This advice is in line with agreed national protocols and Galway City Council has been advised that swimming in waters with these elevated levels of Enterococci bacteria may cause illness.
The prohibition on swimming at Silver Strand and the Salthill beaches and the warning at Grattan Road are in place until further notice. Further testing is taking place but it may be Saturday 1st June before results are available, at which time further notice will issue. As yet, the likely cause of these elevated levels of harmful bacteria are unknown and investigations are in train.